My Testimony

Most people wouldn’t even know unless I shared my testimony—but IT’S ALL JESUS! In June 2021, I was a functioning addict who thought I had everything under control. I lived under the illusion that I could hide my addictions and struggles, but deep down, I was empty. My days couldn’t start without substances, and I genuinely believed I couldn’t function without them. I was trapped in a cycle of self-sabotage, drowning in anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts.

I masked my pain with everything I could find: mixing downers to calm my anxiety, uppers to keep me going, smoking heavily every day, and numbing myself with alcohol and whatever else was available. The party lifestyle became my identity, and I didn’t realize how much damage I was doing to myself and those who cared about me. Since my teenage years, I had jumped from one addiction to the next, chasing temporary relief but finding no lasting peace.

On the outside, I seemed like I was holding it together—a functioning addict with a family, a home, and a career. But on the inside, I hated the man I saw in the mirror. I didn’t love myself. I didn’t believe in God. I didn’t see a future worth living for. I was spiraling on a path of destruction, battling invisible chains that were weighing me down.

But then Jesus stepped in.

Today, I stand as a completely transformed man—a believer, a follower of Christ, and a man who knows the power of surrender. I am no longer defined by my past, my addictions, or my struggles. I am free—completely and utterly free.

On the left is who I used to be: a man lost in addiction, anxiety, depression, and self-destruction. But on the right is who I am now:

  • A man who smiles with true joy.

  • A man who laughs—not to cover pain, but because his heart is full of Jesus.

  • A man who is sober, free from substance abuse, and living in freedom.

  • A man who is anxiety-free and depression-free.

  • A man who loves life and knows he has purpose.

  • A man whose life is a testimony of God’s grace and mercy.

None of this was by my strength. If I had tried to fix myself, I would have failed. But by God’s strength, by His grace, by His mercy, I am free from everything that once held me captive. This transformation wasn’t something I earned—it was a gift from God, made possible by the relentless prayers of my wife, family, and close friends who refused to give up on me.

There is power in prayer. There is power in the name of Jesus. There is restoration and healing through Christ.

To anyone who is battling addiction, anxiety, depression, or suicidal thoughts, know this: you are loved, you have a purpose, and you are not alone. God has a plan for you, and His power can break any chain. What He did for me, He can do for you. Surrender it all to Him. You don’t have to carry this burden anymore.

All the glory belongs to God! Thank you, Jesus, for never giving up on me. 🙏🏼